Project 2 – Planning Application

Our application S.21/3014/FUL was validated on January 21st 2022. You can see the full application on the Stroud DC website by clicking here.

The final masterplan shows some late additions like the wildflower meadow:

All the detailed reports are on the Stroud DC website but the summary document, the Design and Access Statement can be viewed here. As a matter of good practice, ECLT has presented the plans to the Parish Council and received continuing unanimous support.

Housing mix updated

The mix of homes has been changed at several stages since the initial mix drawn from the 2019 Housing Needs Survey. The main influence was the practical experience of the demand for the Fullers Close homes. This encouraged ECLT and Two Rivers Housing to:

  • increase the proportion of 2-bed semis
  • increase the number of 3-bed semis
  • reduce the number of flats
  • reduce the number of bungalows, always remembering that ground floor flats also offer level access.

The public drop-ins at the Village Hall in July 2021 showed a strong interest in the shared ownership concept, so the 10 originally planned were retained although with a different mix:

House Type                  Total               Shared Ownership      Rented              

2-bed houses                  14                            8                                6

3-bed houses                   7                              2                               5

1-bed bungalow                2                              –                               2

1-bed ground floor flat      4                              –                               4

1-bed first floor flat            4                             –                                4

Totals                              31                            10                             21


Full Planning Permission was granted on 24th January 2024.

This was achieved after extensive discussions with National Highways, the owners of the adjoining M5 motorway, which were resolved through providing deeper detail. For example, an additional report on Lighting was provided to prove that there will be no glare towards the vehicles using the motorway. The minor modifications to the submitted plan, above, have no impact on the location of the roads and houses.


We now hand over to our partners Two Rivers Housing for the Build Phase. This includes:

  • tendering for the whole scheme to about six contractors, all of whom are well known locally and are also likely to be employing Gloucestershire tradespeople and sub-contractors.
  • negotiating with Homes England for the grants which will underpin the affordability of our scheme.
  • assuming success with the finances (we have all been talking to Homes England on a regular basis), Two Rivers will then appoint their chosen contractors.


Please follow the story of Project Two under the next sections: Breaking Ground and Building Progress