Q 1. How do you know what is needed?
Q 2. How can they be ‘for Eastington people’?
Q 3. What does ‘Affordable Rent’ mean?
Q 4. Are you building or being supported by any ‘market housing’
Q 5. How can it help limit other development?
Q 6. Isn’t there enough affordable housing in the WoS development?
Q 7. Can I buy one?
Q 8. How do I go about renting one?
Q10. Won’t the houses be swallowed up by the Right to Buy over the years?
Q11. What is a 106 agreement and why is it important?
Q12. I have heard the CLT will not have legal control over the properties, is this true?
Q13. Do I need to be a member of ECLT to apply for one of the houses?
Q14. What is the NDP ( Neighbourhood Development Plan)?
Q15. What is ‘Locality’?
Q16. Will ECLT have input to the design of the site and buildings?